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European network AgeingWell to improve the quality of life of older persons by promoting the market uptake of ICT solutions for Ageing well

Europeans are living longer than ever thanks to economic growth and advances in health care, and ICT & Ageing well solutions have proved to be essential tools for improving quality of life of the ageing population. Relevant initiatives are being developed at European, National and Regional, but they are still largely working in isolation. The aim of the AgeingWell network is therefore to create a community whose objective is to bring together key national and regional initiatives in the field of ICT for Ageing well, and improve the communication and cooperation between them with a view to develop guidelines for deployment of such ICT & Ageing solutions, share good practices, and disseminate information to all the stakeholders across Europe, but also strengthen the dialogue with the Investment Community. The aim of the AgeingWell Network is to build and animate a European network focused on improving the quality of life of older persons by promoting the market uptake of ICT solutions for Ageing well.


How to get 50,000 first time internet users online in one day
No. 02, 2010
Telecentre-Europe organized Get Online Day in 4 March 2010, a pan-European event that was part of the eSkills Week 2010, coordinated by Digital Europe and European SchoolNet, and funded by the European Commission's DG Enterprise and Industry. Get Online Day was supported by national partners, NGOs, telecentres, libraries, schools, information access points and aimed to bring people online, targeting mainly the offline Europeans, people that have never used the internet and were consequently not aware of its benefits.
Global high-tech market is growing again
No. 02, 2010
The global market for information and communications technology (ICT) is expected to grow by 1.9 percent to 2.3 trillion euros in 2010.

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Instantly online - 17 golden rules to combat online risks and for safer surfing mobile social networks [3]
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Lithuanian organisations has been active to participate in CIP ICT PSP third call

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