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Chip Design in the Baltics: Fact or Fiction?

40 years passed this spring since Gordon Moore made his famous observation that the complexity of electronic chips tends to double every 18 months. Four decades later, Moore's Law, as it is known, is still in place. There can probably be no more suitable moment than this anniversary for taking a look back at the history of the electronic chip and then trying to envision the future. How long could these rapid developments continue? What are the implications for the public? Last but not least, what on Earth do Estonia and the Baltic States have to do with the design of state-of-the-art chips? Is this geographic region really a backwater in terms of technology development? Or is it perhaps that top-level knowledge and know-how are simply still largely undiscovered by the microelectronics community?

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Jaan Raik, senior research fellow, Tallinn University of Tehnology, Estonia

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