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For over 15 years, Data Media Group has been faithful to its commitment to identify where the market growth is and to present new growth sectors and directions. The result is the most dynamic, most trusted Baltic family of events, research services, publications and Web sites in the ICT market place of Baltic Sea region, Central and Eastern Europe. As the ICT market continues to evolve and new technologies emerge, one thing will remain the same. Well continue our corporate commitment to be the most qualified Baltic marketing partner for you. Among major business partners are both international partners: European Union (European Commission, IST programme, eTEN programme), International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO), IDG Corporation, IEEE Communications Society, Information Security Forum, Global Fluency and regional partners: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia, Association of Estonian Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies (ITL), Information Society Development Committee under the Government of Lithuania, Infobalt association (Lithuania), Population Register Centre of Finland, Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki, Science-technology Association National Infopark of Belarus, LIKTA (Latvian Information Technology and Telecommunications Association), Baltic IS Cluster, Ministry of Transport of Latvia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Ministry of Economics of Latvia, Latvian Investment and Development Agency and Latvian Education Information system LIIS.
Data Media Group Stabu 47, Rga LV 1011, Latvia Phone: + 371 67311821, + 371 29277304 Fax: + 371 67315567 E-mail: dmg(at)dtmedia.lv www.ebaltics.com


