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Opportunities Of Integration Of Disabled Persons To Labour Market In Conditions Of Information Society
Egle Kazemikaitiene, Tatjana Bileviciene, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
No. 02, 2008
The Lisbon Strategy stated a new strategic aim for the European Union to transform the European Union into the most dynamic economy in the world in a decade, asserting of increase and betterment of opportunities of employment and bigger social cohesion. Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy means concentration on two main tasks: encouragement of stronger permanent increase of economy and creation of more and better job places. Most serious attention should be paid to differences between the socially disadvantaged, and the disabled. It is important to fight discrimination, encourage opportunities of employment for the disabled. Lithuania successfully participates in implementation programmes of the Lisbon Strategy. The state undertook for every resident who can and would like to work to create opportunities to ensure proper level of living by his or her work, care of socially most vulnerable persons more and develop more flexible forms of work organisation. Development of an information society is one of the three main priorities of the Republic of Lithuania stated in Lithuanian long-term development strategy. It conforms with the goals of the European Union. Objectives of Lithuanian information society development are coordinated with attitudes and demands of the Lisbon Strategy and initiative eEurope information society for everyone. The disabled can integrate into labour market by taking part in telework and e-business. It is quite important that disabled persons could use IT opportunities. Authors consider the opportunity of disabled integration in labour market by implementing modern information technologies.
Social Campaign on Childrens Internet Safety Launched in Latvia: Be Careful: On the Internet You Are on Stage!
No. 02, 2008
On June 1, which was the international day for the protection of children, the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs of Latvia launched an informational social campaign called Be Careful: On the Internet You Are on Stage! The aim of the project is to focus public attention on childrens safety on the Internet.
Telecentres in Europe Launched Major Effort for Knowledge Sharing
No. 02, 2008
More than 50 NGOs and telecentres practitioners managing e-inclusion programs across Europe met for the Telecentre Leaders Forum Europe (TLF E) on April 8th and 9th in Radisson Hotel, Riga, Latvia. Participants shared innovative practices on e-inclusion and identified how to help NGOs and telecentre practitioners find resources they need to be sustainable and effectively contribute to achieving the goals of the Lisbon Strategy (2005) and Riga Declaration (2006).
Internet Access in the Lithuanian Countryside
Laura Grineviciute, expert on establishment and administration of rural Internet access points, Lithuania
No. 01, 2008
Technological progress has made it easier to develop information technologies in rural Lithuania, but it is still true that people in the countryside are less advantaged then their fellow citizens in urban areas when it comes to accessing IT. Lithuania has invested quite a bit of effort in projects which seek to support and strengthen IT in rural areas. One such project involves the creation of rural Internet access points (RIAPs), and this is now an important programme which is supported by the Lithuanian government.
A Review of Higher Education in the Field of ICT in Latvia in the 21st Century
No. 04, 2007
This paper is a review of numerical indicators related to higher education in the field of information and communications technologies in Latvia in 2007. The author focuses on trends since 2000 and offers his thoughts about students and graduates in this area.
Practicing Internet Voting in Estonia
No. 04, 2007
It was two years ago that the Republic of Estonia entered a new phase in the administration of elections for the first time in the world, Internet voting with binding results was applied nationwide. This process took advantage of an existing infrastructure for remote authentication, and the primary goal in I-voting is to provide voters with an alternative way of casting their ballot. This broadens accessibility and increases turnout.
E-Business and Innovation Policy: Separate or Together?
No. 04, 2007
In many ways, innovations and E-business compete for the attention of policymakers. Since much hype about E-business, attention has shifted more toward innovation politics, although potential links between the two policy areas appear not to be sufficiently explored, understood or utilised.
A Higher Level of Information Competence: Improving the Competitiveness of Graduates in the Labour Market
No. 04, 2007
Information competence is a fundamental factor in seeking out or creating new knowledge and in improving ones capabilities and skills in the knowledge society of our present day. This particularly applies to learning awareness. Information competence and the information culture guarantee competitiveness among young specialists. This paper focuses on scientific research which has studied intensive approaches toward educating people in the field of information literacy. The study was conducted among students and personnel at public institutions of higher education in northern Lithuania. The project was partly funded by the European Union under the name BIBLIONOVA, and it ran from 2005 until 2007.
Information about small and medium enterprises on lithuanian web sites [1]
No. 04, 2007
One of the important ways in which Lithuania implements its employment policies involves co-ordination with the European Unions Lisbon Strategy and the way in which it is being implemented in the country. Validated in 2005, the Lithuanian programme for implementing the strategy helps to determine the major elements of employment policy. Small and medium enterprises are an important component of the domestic market. Information technologies allow clients who are distant from major information centres to access information. In this article, the authors analyse the way in which the Web sites of small and medium Lithuanian enterprises present information about them.
Evaluating the Processes of the Information Society in the Context of Globalisation
No. 03, 2007
Globalisation is a suggestive word. It is often used in various ways to describe a phenomenon of a worldwide nature. The term relates to the process of national economies which are becoming integrated into the global economy. This is a measure of internationalisation. It appears through global production networks and the organised marketing of transnational companies. We must not forget, however, that globalisation is still not part of all national economies which are seeking to achieve an identical level. Third World countries in particular are lagging behind the dominant triad of the United States, Europe and Japan.
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