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The Use of Information Technologies in Latvian Businesses
No. 04, 2007
This paper offers a review of a study about the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) in businesses of Latvia in January 2007. Conducted by the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, the study focused on the use of computers, the Internet and Internet websites, the spread of broadband Internet services, the aims of Internet use , e-commerce, and the kinds of information technologies that are used in enterprises.
Top Players in Baltic ICT market [1]
No. 03, 2007
The article presents main results of Prime Investment yearly analysis of top ICT companies in the Baltic Market. The data have been published in May, 2007 by Prime Investment market news.
The Electronic Communications in Lithuania
No. 04, 2006
A report on the electronic communications sector in Lithuania has been prepared on the basis of information from electronic communications operators and/or serve providers. The focus has been on E-communications activities in the third quarter of 2006, as well as on other information that has been made available to the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT).
LMT Mobile Communications for Professionals
No. 04, 2006
The history of SIA Latvijas Mobilais Telefons is the history of mobile communications in Latvia. The 15th anniversary of the company, which was observed on January 2, 2007, should have been celebrated in all of Latvia. At years end, the LMT mobile network will cover 99.01% of Latvias territory and will be available to 97.82% of the countrys residents. On November 1, LMT had more than 917,000 prepaid and post-paid clients nearly one-half of all mobile phone users in Latvia. Heres an open conversation with the most direct witness to the first 15 years of mobile services in Latvia SIA Latvijas Mobilais Telefons president Juris Binde.
The E-Business Community Model and Its Role in Future Education
No. 04, 2006
Since November 2005, a project called eBCM-VET has been developing a programme for vocational education and training in the area of E-business. The project has received support from the European Unions Leonardo da Vinci programme, and it represents a holistic approach to the E-Business Community Model (eBCM).
ICT Use Among Latvian Households and Individuals
No. 04, 2006
Since 2004, the Central Statistical Bureau has, with financial support from the European Commission, conducted an annual survey of ICT use among Latvian households and individuals. The survey is based on a unified methodology and its conducted in all European Union member states, which means that the data are internationally comparable. We can review Latvias ranking among other EU member states.
Security myths
No. 04, 2006
The IT world is full of myths and legends circulated via email or simply spread by word of mouth. These legends are not the infamous hoaxes or chain letters, but assume that certain things are true, when they usually arent. However, they are so difficult to prove that they are accepted as true without any evidence whatsoever.
Development of the Information Society in Lithuania
No. 04, 2006
Gediminas Kirkilas, prime minister, Republic of Lithuania
Top Players in the Baltic ICT market
No. 03, 2006
The article presents main results of Prime Investment yearly analysis of the top ICT companies in the Baltic Market. The data have been published this summer by Prime Investment market news.
Use of the Internet Among Individuals and Enterprises
No. 03, 2006
This EC study offers a look at Internet and broadband use in households and enterprises in the EU's member states, explores services that are offered by Web sites, studies the types of Internet users that there are, and cites the goods and services which are used most frequently on the Internet.
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